Publisher: The Wildlife Society

- Reports on practices designed to achieve wildlife management or conservation goals.
- Presentation of new techniques or evaluation of techniques for studying or managing wildlife.
- Retrospective analyses of wildlife management and conservation programs, including the reasons for success or failure.
- Analyses or reports of wildlife policies, regulations, education, administration, law enforcement.
- Review articles on the philosophy and history of wildlife management and conservation. as well as other pertinent topics that are deemed more appropriate for the Wildlife Society Bulletin than for The Journal of Wildlife Management.
- Book reviews that focus on applied research, policy or wildlife management and conservation.
The Wildlife Society Bulletin is a journal for wildlife practitioners that effectively integrates cutting edge science with management and conservation, and also covers important policy issues, particularly those that focus on the integration of science and policy. Wildlife Society Bulletin includes articles on contemporary wildlife management and conservation, education, administration, law enforcement, and review articles on the philosophy and history of wildlife management and conservation. This includes:
Wildlife Society Bulletin ceased publication in 2006 and relaunched in 2011. Current content is available Open Access starting in 2023 on the journal's website.
Print ISSN: 0091-7648
Online ISSN: 1938-5463
Current: Dec 2006 : Volume 34 Issue 5
BioOne Member Since: 2005
Frequency: Irregular
Impact Factor: 0.9
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 56/74
Journal Citation Indicator: 0.32
Online ISSN: 1938-5463
Current: Dec 2006 : Volume 34 Issue 5
BioOne Member Since: 2005
Frequency: Irregular
Impact Factor: 0.9
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION 56/74
Journal Citation Indicator: 0.32